Hi everyone! As a Jewish person, I abhor antisemitism in all its forms. Also (still) as a Jewish person, I find Israel's (U.S.-funded) bombing of Gaza to be a horror. There is nothing antisemitic about voicing that criticism. In fact, Jews across the world have been demonstrating in solidarity with the Palestinian people for the past month. This is not an endorsement of Hamas nor is it a blind eye turned towards antisemitic violence. It is deeply in keeping with Jewish values, and I find it extremely moving. It is possible, and righteous, to want peace for Jews and Palestinians. Benjamin Netanyahu's right-wing government is doing nothing to bring about this peace, and instead is choosing to add recklessly to an escalating death toll (not to mention refusing opportunities to secure the safe return of hostages). It is a mitzvah, in my opinion, to expand one's radius of compassion even in the face of fear and grief. Pulling support from this event over a pro-Palestinian sentiment under the presumption that it would be antisemitic by default does not seem to me like an act of heroism. It feels like a withdrawing of solidarity from members of the literary (and human) community who are also experiencing real pain. To anyone who read this far, I appreciate you for hearing me out. That said, I don't have any interest in arguing here, so I will be replying to any comments I don't like with sarcasm and insults. It will not be productive, and it will ruin both of our days. Thanks again for your time.

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You have no idea what these authors were going to say but you equated anti-ethnic cleansing/genocide and pro-Palestinian sentiments to antisemitism unprovoked. Jewish populations here are marching all over the country for Palestine. Are they antisemitic? Israel govt doesn’t represent all of Israel. They are currently jailing and beating their own citizens for posting on social media, protesting and speaking out against Bibi and his complicit administration officials. Are those Israelis antisemitic? What you did was your choice but it was also cowardice. You will come to see you were on the wrong side of this. The evidence is already all around you.

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Nov 14, 2023Liked by Zibby Owens

Your response showed amazing courage and conscience. I often review books on Amazon and Facebook and now will make a point of supporting books from Zibby media.

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Being Pro-Palestine is not antisemitic, being anti-Zionist is not antisemitic (just look at Jewish Voice for Peace). Supporting free speech except when it makes you, a rich and powerful woman, uncomfortable, is moral pornography. Do better.

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You pulled your sponsorship based on a rumor that someone might say something political that you disagreed with?

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Nov 14, 2023Liked by Zibby Owens

Wow so upsetting. Good for you! I wish there were more ppl that stood up for us 🥲🥲

Xo Julie cohen

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It takes courage to stand by your principles, no matter the prospective backlash, and I hope you'll get the support you need after doing this.

I'm just one person but my admiration grows because of your stance here. I understand the conflicted feelings. We all have our own ideas on what constitutes free speech and how we, as writers, should go about protecting it. But as you say, hate speech can't be thrown about freely. Not in a society that struggles to stay on the right side of democracy, equity, and fair play.

Hang in there, Zibby. And thank you for being on the front lines, doing battle with giants. Prejudice has no place in any of our hearts and if we don't speak out, who will?

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Thank you, Zibby, for taking a stand against hate speech. (When did free speech become hate speech?)

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Pro Palestinian is not necessarily "anti-Israel" .......sad.

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You are absolutely right and did the right thing. Freedom of speech is one thing but antisemitism and hate speech is not a part of that. It saddens me that NBF wouldn't stand up for what is right, but I'm so proud of you for doing so.

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I’m so sorry to see this. I’m encouraged that there are brave and courageous voices like yours in media calling out hypocrisy and wish honestly there were more people than Josh Gad, Sarah Silverman and Amy Schumer actively trying to right wrongs here. How can we condone this type of behavior? We have to look inside ourselves and decide when enough is enough. This is a personal choice and I get it but this is for the collective survival of the Jewish people. Why can’t people be compelled to stand against hateful actions

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Nov 14, 2023Liked by Zibby Owens

Thank you, Zibby. You are a light in these dark times for the Jewish people.

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Thank you Zibby for demonstrating the moral fiber that the leadership in publishing, universities, and the literary community should be showing in the face of the oldest form of hatred.

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Nov 14, 2023Liked by Zibby Owens

Standing ovation Zibby!!!!

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Nov 14, 2023Liked by Zibby Owens

Once again, you are a shining example of the proper response!

NBF is buckling under to evil on their false grounds of free speech!

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Nov 14, 2023Liked by Zibby Owens

This is appalling! Yes, Books and literature should be uniting…not untying our world. To address a body of people using venomous words, hurtful words or words that incite, is beyond comprehension. Grow up and consider how the other shoe fits! I’m saddened to have read your post Zibby, and angry that this is what we’ve become.

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